Friday, August 10, 2007


Well, I had a bunch of great pictures from our excursion to one of the summer palaces today, but just now, on the way back, I got pickpocketed in the Metro and some a**hole stole my camera. Fortunately I had downloaded all of our pictures before today to my laptop or it would have been an even bigger blow. As it was I lost some great pictures from today. :-(

Lena told be I would stick out as an American tourist here if I wore shorts, so I guess I looked like a target. Since it's been so warm here I said "screw it" and wore my shorts. She even warned me right before to watch out for pickpockets, as the subway was really crowded. He got it right as I was getting on a down escalator in a crush of people... I realized what had happened, but I was already on my way down. Never even saw the guy.

It was a brand new camera that I bought for the trip... to say I'm bummed is an understatement.


Onward. Dinner tonight with another of Lena's friends.


Franklin "Blind Yak" Pierce said...

We look forward to your commentary.
Paint your pictures with words.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the bad luck, but now you've broken in your travels. Enjoy the time and don't let the pickpocket guy get you down. Tell Lena I said hello!

Anonymous said...

That is such a bummer Dex...but now you don't have to worry about those dam pickpockets napping your nice camera on those crowded subways any more....Man, that has got to be a relief!

Greshkov said...

sucks about your camera. maybe it's a sign you should have bought an slr instead. they're big and bulky, but when around your should are incredibly hard to steal.

i'm glad you're having fun otherwise. tell lena i said hello. and ditch the fucking shorts.