Wednesday, August 8, 2007

We made it!

Well, we're here in St. Petersburg. Got in early evening... still don't know what time it is. Damn there are a lot of Russians here.

Lena's friend Zima met us at the airport and helped us find our hotel, then we went out for a walk. It doesn't get dark here until 10:30 so we had plenty of time to walk around, and still see a nice sunset.

Cool city. Lots of people out and about late on a Tuesday evening. And the canals are very beautiful... I imagine we'll have to play tourist and go for a boat tour while we're here.
(click on the picture to enlarge it)


Anonymous said...

Safe journey my friends...looking forward to your postings! Peace - Pete

Anonymous said...

I love how this is the first time I've ever seen Lena before.

Just saying.

Feels jealous accordingly.

Franklin "Blind Yak" Pierce said...

UM....St. Petersburger
Chicago looks beautiful!

Unknown said...

I love the picture. You guys look like you're having a great time. Enjoy every moment!!

Unknown said...

Your smile says it all, Dexter. Enjoy and travel safe.

gail ann irvin