Thursday, August 9, 2007

Saint Petersburg is amazing. We have two full days of sightseeing behind us and haven't even come close to seeing everything there is to see.

This is the Alexandriski Theater, where we saw a performance of "Swan Lake" tonight. Beatutiful inside and out.

This is Kazansky Cathedral. Right in the center of downtown StP. Also gorgeous... even prettier at night, as is most of the city.

Another of the many beautiful cathedrals in the city. "Church on the Blood", Lena says it's called, but we don't know the story yet.

I'm sure it involves the deaths of thousands of people, as that seems to happen a lot in Russian history.

We're going to check it out tomorrow.

The Hermitage/ Summer Palace courtyard. Non-stop opulence. Un-freaking-believable inside. We spent most of today inside there and didn't come close to seeing everything.

You get the idea.

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